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Adrenaline is an item that can restore the character’s vitality and apply a speed bonus temporarily.

Editor Properties

Property Function
Health Controller The character HealthController reference.
Heal Amount Defines how much vitality will be restored per use.
Delay To Inject Defines the delay in seconds to apply the effect.
Stamina Bonus Duration Defines how long the effect will last.
Infinite Shots Allow the character to use unlimited shots.
Amount Defines the amount of syringes the character will start.
Max Amount Defines the maximum number of syringes the character can carry.

Animation Properties

Property Function
Animator The animator reference.
Shot Animation The name of the animation that will be played when applying an injection of adrenaline.
Shot Sound The audio that will be played when applying an injection of adrenaline.
Shot Volume Defines the sound volume when applying an adrenaline shot.

Public Properties

Property Function
Amount The current amount of syringes the character has.
ShotLength The duration in seconds of the animation of applying an injection of adrenaline.
CanRefill Can the character carry more adrenaline?

Public Methods

Method Function
Use Uses a unit of the item and apply the effects to the character.
DisableShadowCasting Prevents the item from casting shadows.
Refill Refill the adrenaline's syringes.